Pair trading is used among strategies that find support in economic or algorithmic approaches, and it theory explains every strategy, which actually consists in picking out 2 assets that have had relatively close prices in the past, and then selling the one that is more expensive than necessary. That being that in the long run […]
In quantum trading the analysis of large data sets, back testing for strategies and ordering is programmed in different programming languages. Different languages have their own strengths and weaknesses. The choice of the language depends on how the trading strategy and data sources will be, the speed, and complexity of implementation. That is why this […]
There is no doubt that algorithmic trading has changed the way investors approach financial markets. Trading has evolved from a manual process to contemporary systematic data-driven strategies. The optimal scale algorithms or a set of predetermined rules, allows target traders to automatically purchase an asset at the highest speed. This gives a great edge over […]
Algorithmic trading has been on the rise as more entrepreneurs embrace automated software which utilizes large amounts of data to improve trading results. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced trader wanting to refine your algorithmic trading strategies, numerous online websites provide specialized modules. These modules have been developed for varying stages of […]
Tackling its original use, that of a digital currency, blockchain technology has grown beyond just having cryptocurrency as its application to cut across various aspects of finance. The features of decentrality, transparency and heightened security set it up as a game changer in numerous financial trading issues, one of which is algorithmic trading. With regards […]
In quantitative trading, the strategy used and how a trade or an investment is placed is through data analysis and mathematical formulation. However, while there is some level of order in this systematic field of work, human psychology does at times get involved in decision making which leads to some behaviours that bias how performance […]
Over the past decade, quantitative hedge funds have emerged as a potent force in the financial markets, employing the use of data, statistical models, and algorithms to exploit trading opportunities while managing risks. Some funds including Renaissance Technologies, Two Sigma, D.E. Shaw have become household names in the world of ‘quant’ trading with their own […]
MiFID 2 or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II is a legally binding requirement that was enacted by the European Union in January 2018, which is aimed at promoting transparency, enhancing the protection of investors and controlling the markets throughout the region. This was a successor to MiFID I, which was introduced in 2007, […]
To some traders in the financial world, social media can be boring, but this should never be the case. Depending on who you follow for the act of socializing and what topics or conversations you are interested in, these applications have the ability to show information to the user about the trending topics. And as […]
Market regime detection is one of the most important components of quantitative trading as it allows investors and traders to be aware of the existing market conditions and alter their strategies in the best possible manner to achieve optimal results. The conventional approaches are usually based on the general definitions of these market regimes, for […]