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Release Notes

This page provides information of all new feature releases, Bug fixes, enchancements and other updates we make to our products.

Trade Scalper

 Date   Feature(s)  Type  Version
13/03/2025 Added Equity, MCX Commodity and Index Futures Segments, Scalping Mode, Strike Selections ATM/OTM/ITM, SL/Target placing in broker terminal or not New Features 1.8.45
24/09/2024 Added 3 new features - Absolute and Underlying for SL/Target, Tradebook - Edit button, Multi Select buttons New Features 1.7.39
05/06/2024 Added Buy above/Sell below, Underlying entry and exit, Lock and Trail Profits, Expiry Selection, Underlying selection, Added Sensex and Midcap Indices New Features  1.6.34
20/01/2024 App works on Satuarday and Sunday as well, if exchanges are open. Enhancement 1.5.30
02/01/2024 Added 5 new features - Limit Orders, Universal Exits,  Flip CE/PE, Exit Half Button, Partial Exit New Features 1.5.27
11/12/2023 Code Enhancements to improve execution speed Enhancements 1.4.44
11/10/2023 Added Finnifty Index, Trail to cost, Trail to cost Now Button (in Tradebook) New Features 1.4.39
09/06/2023 Code Enhancement Enhancements 1.3.36
11/05/2023 Added Zerodha broker alongside Alice blue and Finvasia New Feature 1.2.28
27/03/2023 Launched Trade Scalper application Launch 1.1.0


Tradebots Desktop

 Date   Feature   Type   Version 
01/07/2024 Extended application to IIFL broker, introduced live MTM Visualizer and removed Paper trade feature (as per compliance) New Feature 1.9.19
20/03/2024 Trade can exit Individual leg using exit buttons in order book. New Feature   1.8.16
19/12/2023 Added Midcap Nifty and Sensex Indexes New Features 1.7.7
06/09/2023 Extended application to Zerodha broker; Added Finnifty index New Features 1.6.11
18/09/2023 Code Enhancement Enhancement 1.5.16
29/05/2023 Introduced auto updated feature to automatically update to new version, if available. New Feature 1.3.43
09/03/2023 Introduced Closest premium and Lock and Trail profit features New Features 1.3.40
22/02/2023 Strategy wise profit/loss, Paper mode trading, Total portfolio level MTM profit/loss New Features 1.2.28
22/12/2022 Launched Trade Bots Desktop application Launch 1.1.11


Tradebots Web

 Date   Feature   Type 
19/07/2024 Back-up SL code revision to handle a few more scenarios Bug Fix
15/07/2024 Introduced Global P&L, individual stratgey copy button and strategy exit after 15 seconds (if both legs are not successful) New Features
23/04/2024 Exit buttons will exit SELL positions first and then BUY to avoid broker rejections.  Enhancement
16/04/2024 Improved Trail to Cost feature to avoid any trial misses during volatile markets  Enhancement
05/04/2024 Limit/MKT order selection will be applicable at both entry and exit Enhancement
12/03/2024 Now traders can choose between Limit/MKT orders at entries Enhancement
12/03/2024 Displaying Entry type (Buy/Sell) in Today's strategies table Enhancement
19/10/2023 Code Enhancement Enhancement
29/09/2023 Added FinNifty, Sensex and Midcap Nifty indexes New Feature
12/06/2023 Placement for Exit Buttons changed to top. Enhancement
08/05/2023 Modify the SL pending order Enhancement
15/03/2023 Improvements to Partner Dashboard/Client status Enhancement
14/03/2023 Introducing Closest Premium Entry, Strategy Status and P&L for closed positions New Features
20/11/2022 Mutilple Enable/Disable, Multiple copy/paste, Strategy Name, Sort Option, Password Enhancement


Trade Disc

 Date   Feature   Type   Version 
28/01/2025 Used/Available Margin, Shift Positions with single click and other features in adjustment section New Features 1.5.9
13/11/2024 Underlying Based Exit, order Slicing, Lock and Trail Profits and Redesigned option chain New Features 1.4.13
07/08/2024 Extended to Finvasia , Midcap Nifty, Finifty and Sensex Indices added, Modify SL, New Position/Partail Exit added New Features 1.3.51
08/01/2024 Code Enhancement Enhancement 1.3.9
19/05/2023 Introduced option chain New Feature 1.2.18
23/01/2023 Launched Trade Disc application Launch 1.0.16
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