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Trading Scholarship

Introducing BCA Scholarships, India's first and only trading scholarship program to empower traders by providing them essential capital required to succeed in trading.

About program

  1. Currently we are offering 10 scholarship slots every month and might increase in future.
  2. Scholarship amount will vary depending on pool amount available for this program. Minimum amount will be Rs.50,000/- and can range till Rs.2,00,000/- per trader.
  3. Once a trader is qualified for scholarship program, he/she will be given a trading account with fixed capital to trade. Traders can use this capital to trade for a maximum or 30 calendar days (1 month). End of 30th day, any profit made by that trader will be transferred to his bank account.
  4. Compared to giving scholarship amount directly, this approach ensures more traders benefit from this program. How?
                    If a trader was given Rs.50,000/- directly to his bank account, only he/she can benefit from the program but instead if a trading account with 50k capital and even if he/she makes 20% loss (Rs.10,000/-) in 1 month, we can still make use of the rest 40,000/- next month. This way 5 traders can benefit from a total of Rs.50,000/- in 5 months. We anyway will refill the lost amount every month.
  5. Important - End of 30th day, all the profit above original capital will be given back to the trader and any loss will be borne by us.In case of profit, it will be transferred to client's bank account within a week.
    Example: Initial scholarship amount is 2,00,000/- and a trader made 5% return on it by the end of the month. Entire 5% (Rs.10,000/-) will be transferred to client's account within a week. So this is a great way to earn for someone who has skill but lacks capital to trade.
  6. For P&L calculation purposes, we consider the initial amount shown by broker before program starts and final capital shown by broker after 1 month which also means expenses will be considered.
  7. In case of lack of new scholarship recipients, we might extend/renew the program to old traders but is not guaranteed. Also note that renewal is NOT dependent on whether a trader is profitable or is in loss in prior months. Even loss traders can avail the renewal as long as they stick to the rules of the program.
  8. Anybody can apply for this program, traders from beginners to advanced level as long as trading is their passion.

Selection Process:

  1. Traders need to fill Scholarship Submission Form to apply for trading scholarship.
  2. In the last week of every month we interact with applicants and finalize traders who are eligible to avail this scholarship.
  3. We will inform traders within 2-3 days after the selection process.
  4. Eligible applicants need to fill another form as the last step of acceptance to avail this scholarship.
  5. On the 1st day of calendar month, trading account will be handed over to traders.

5 Rules of Scholarship Program:

We want to give a free hand to traders and use their discretion to trade. However, to ensure smooth functionality, certain rules need to be followed while trading.

  1. No algo Trading is allowed since the program aims to improve discretionary trading skills among the traders.
  2. Through this program, only intraday trading is allowed and no positional (for now).
  3. Person availing this scholarship must be an active trader but not an occasional/part time trader.
  4. All index options can be traded but strictly NO stock options due to volume and cash settlement issues.
  5. Penny stocks below Rs.50 are not allowed to trade as chances of getting trapped are high.


You can use the leverage given by the broker and no restrictions would be imposed on that front.

For more queries, reach out to us on the details mentioned in contact page.

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